SAGO 2024: National Bilingualism Commission on BOARD

By Ngalame Elias


The National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism is amongst the over 200 exhibitors at the esplanade of the Yaounde Multipurpose Sports Complex which is hosting the 2024 edition of the Government Action Fair (SAGO).

The 2024 edition holding under the theme “Good governance and improving the living conditions of citizens”, was officially launched 22 July 2024 at a ceremony presided over by Communication Minister René Emmanuel Sadi, special representative of the Prime Minister and Head of Government.

 The Secretary General Dr Chi Asafor Cornelius and some members of the commission answered present at the opening ceremony.




According to one of the commission members, EFESI Mbafor,NCPBM is attending this exhibition fair to present to the public Cameroon its mission to promote bilingualism, peace and the fight against hate speech.

Many visitors have been visiting the stand  praising the dynamism and professionalism of the NCPBM team on site.

It should be noted that a decree by President Paul  on 15th March 2017  appointed members of the National Commission on the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, with former Prime Minister Peter Mafany Musonge at the helm, to promote bilingualism and multiculturalism in Cameroon while consolidating peace and unity.

  It is responsible for submitting reports and opinions to the President of the Republic and the Government on matters relating to the protection and promotion of bilingualism and multiculturalism.

The Commission also monitors the implementation of the constitutional provisions making English and French two official languages of equal value, and in particular their use in all public services, parastatals and any organization receiving grants of State. It must also carry out any study or investigation and propose any measures to strengthen the bilingual and multicultural character of Cameroon.




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