Buea: SW Elite gather to hail Biya while population agonize over unending crisis, abject poverty.

   Misplaced Priority

SW Elite gather to watch film projection of Paul Biya

By Fanwi Antoinette Buinda


Recently, the picturesque town of Buea, capital of the Southwest Region of Cameroon, played host to a gathering of elites, authorities, and traditional leaders. The focal point of the event was the projection of a documentary titled “Paul Biya: The Great Statesman,” celebrating the 92-year-old president of the republic. This gathering, however, raises questions about priorities in a region grappling with pressing challenges.


Buea is currently under the shadow of a lockdown, a reflection of broader issues affecting the area. The community is struggling with a lack of portable water, erratic power supply, deteriorating road conditions, and significant disruptions in the education sector, with schools yet to resume activities. In light of these challenges, one might wonder whether the time and resources invested in celebrating a political figure could have been better directed toward addressing the needs of the local population.

The Disconnect

While the documentary aims to honor President Biya’s long tenure and contributions to the nation, the local context cannot be ignored. The citizens of Buea are facing daily struggles that undermine their quality of life. The lack of basic amenities such as clean water and reliable electricity affects not only individual households but also the broader socio-economic landscape.


Moreover, the continued educational disruptions raise concerns about the future of the youth in the region. Without schools in operation, the potential for a lost generation looms large. The contrast between the celebratory event for a political leader and the harsh realities faced by the community highlights a disconnect that is difficult to overlook.

A Call for Action

Such gatherings should ideally serve as a platform for meaningful dialogue and actionable solutions to local issues. While it is important to recognize the achievements of leaders, it is equally vital to engage with the pressing concerns of the populace. Community members and leaders alike should advocate for initiatives that address the lack of resources, improve infrastructure, and facilitate the resumption of educational activities.


Instead of merely projecting a documentary, why not convene discussions on how to tackle the water crisis, enhance power supply, and repair the roads? Initiatives that involve community participation can foster a sense of ownership and accountability among local leaders.


The projection of “Paul Biya: The Great Statesman” in Buea serves as a reminder of the complexities of leadership and governance. While it is essential to celebrate achievements, it is equally crucial to remain attuned to the voices of the people who are experiencing the challenges of daily life. As Buea continues to navigate its current crises, it is imperative for leaders to shift their focus toward solutions that will uplift the community and ensure a brighter future for all its residents.


In the end, true leadership is not just about accolades but about improving the lives of those you serve. It’s time for the elites and authorities to listen and act—for the sake of Buea and its resilient people

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