GSS/GHS Nyasoso Jubilee celebration, a milestone achievement and hope for growth.

Pioneer NEXSA batch of 1974 led procession into the gate( they constructed)

NEXSAN PG  Rt Col Sone Ajang  talking to the Press

KM SDO Ekema Williams ( NEXSAN) in his key note address at the ceremony



By Ngalame Elias



The 50th Jubilee celebration of GSS/GHS Nyasoso-Tombel sub-division in KupeMuanenguba was successfully celebrated over the weekend Jan. 31-Feb. 2, bringing together close to fifty batches of past students, the current students of the school and staff, administrative and religious authorities, traditional rulers, the village community for the historic event. The milestone ceremony was marked by great entertainment and visual splendours, both traditional and cutting-edge.

The Jubillee celebrations represented a series of perks but also significant challenges that will certainly play out in shaping the institution in the years ahead.

The ceremony was presided over by the senior divisional officer for KupeMuanenguba, Ekema Williams Mungambo( a NEXSAN), assisted by the DO for Tombel, Nyam Leonard.

The SDO in his address lauded the Nyasoso ex-students association, NEXSA for championing  the initiative to celebrate the institution.

“It is good to celebrate what is ours. Such celebration is for posterity and especially the pioneers who were leaders of this institution,” the SDO said.

He notes that the structure of the institution were more than 50 years yet standing very strong. The SDO regretted the crisis that has played a negative role and impact on the school but encouraged the students and staff, the ex-students to keep on in efforts to revamp activities and keep the functioning of the institution alive.

“All of us know what this school has gone through due to the crisis. NEXSA and the school administrator have braced the odds surmounting all threats to keep the school activities going. I salute your efforts,” the SDO said, promising to ensure that obstacles faced by the school will find lasting solutions.

  He encouraged the Nyasoso and neighbouring village community to continue sending their children to GHS Nyasoso and make the school great again.

“Kupemuanenguba is free from any terrorist strong hold. Our security has worked closely with the community to ward off any threats. The NEXSA executive and school administrator have worked hard to make this ceremony a huge success,” he said.

The state-of the art jubilee anniversary cake( dummy design of the school campus)

The ancestors also blessed the ceremony

The administrators of KM were there to honor and give their support to the celebrations

The students were not left out. The student choir animated.

NEXSA Pledge for Better Days

It was a rare opportunity for ex-students  of the school to reunite, exchange ideas, reminisces and especially map the way forward for their alma mater.

 According  to the SDO for KupeMuanenguba school’s reputation is not just built on its current students but also on the enduring legacy of its alumni.

These individuals who have walked the halls, sat in the classrooms, and participated in extracurricular activities, carry with them memories and experiences that shape their perception of their alma mater, he noted.

The same message was sounded by the President of NEXSA  Rt. Col Sone Ajang Joseph, who emphasized on the importance of being an active alumni and not just ceremonial. He noted that alumni engagement was crucial to fostering a sense of community and pride.

“ NEXSANs need to be connected and valued, ready to share their positive experiences with others. Whether it’s through attending reunions, volunteering for mentorship programs, or contributing financially, engaged alumni play a vital role in strengthening the school’s reputation,” he said.

“As we celebrate the achievements of our alma mater let us continue to cultivate a culture of engagement and pride that transcends generations and fosters lifelong connections,” Sone Ajang said.

 He thanked and extended his profound gratitude to the school principal, management and staff for believing in his team and supporting its visions towards the growth and development of the school.

For Mr Ayuk Walters of the 4th Batch, alumni have to be enthusiastic advocates for their alma mater, with positive influence that extends far beyond their personal networks.

“ They have to be ambassadors in their communities, workplaces, and social circles, championing the school’s reputation and attracting prospective students, donors, and supporters. By nurturing strong relationships and fostering positive experiences, schools can harness the collective power of their alumni to enhance their reputation and impact,” he said.

By cultivating positive experiences, fostering meaningful relationships, and empowering alumni to become ambassadors, schools can leverage the collective influence of their alumni network to strengthen their reputation, attract resources, and inspire future generations of students, he added.


One of the highlights of the jubilee celebrations was an academic discourse on the importance of STEM and ICT education.

 The paper presented by Professor Sone Micheal Ekonde( NEXSAN 4th batch) expounded on the need for education to be adapted to the changing technological realities. The absence of ICT learning limits student engagement and hinders personalized learning.  The era where classrooms were dominated exclusively by textbook-based instruction, making it challenging to spark students’ curiosity and link theoretical knowledge to real-world applications was over.

Accordingly, the involvement of ICT tools in education can revolutionize 21st-century learning by turning these challenges into opportunities. The EdTech tools can transform education by:

Making learning dynamic and interactive through resources like simulations, coding platforms, and virtual lab.

It also helps in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by making complex concepts more understandable

Catering to various learning styles and promoting team building, critical thinking, communication, and other essential skills for Industry 4.0

According to experts,before ICT tools, students could only visualize the solar system through textbook illustration

“Now with ICT tools, students explore space in a virtual environment, deeply understanding the solar system’s scale and dynamics .This shift from passive to active learning has shown remarkable results.

 The jubilee Monument

Recognition of pioneer batch( the Dinosaurs) 



The Principal of the highlighted the urgent need for teachers especially in the sciences, the need to reinforce and equip the science and computer  laboratory to permit for quality learning.

In his presentation of staff in the school it was quite evident teacher were lacking in many subjects.



NEXSA undertook to collaborate with the Tombel council and the Nyasoso community,NYACUDA to rehabilitate the roads at the beginning of the dry season January 2025. The project accordingly was very successful. The rehabilitation of the about 20km stretch of road  permitting commuters and jubilee attendees with  all sizes of vehicles to ply with relative ease. 

The inauguration of the monument and the gate constructed by NEXSANS was another major achievement.


To raise funds  for NEXSA and especially to give the historic celebrations the legacy it deserves, A Jubilee Magazine produced by NEXSANs was on sale at 2000 fcfa each. Virtually all who came for the ceremony, ex-students, the students, teachers, and support staff , invitees, the local community  grabbed their copies for keeps. 

There was also cutting of the very wonderful state-of the art jubilee cake( a dummy design of the school campus) that also generated some funds.

JUBILEE Anniversary Euphoria

The jubilee anniversary was filled with joy, nostalgia, and pride. This significant milestone marked half century of dedication to academic excellence, innovation, and community building pointed out NEXSANs attending the ceremony.

The celebration brought together alumni, students, and dignitaries, all eager to honor the college’s journey and achievements in grand style.

A Festive Atmosphere

The campus was transformed into a vibrant space, adorned with jubilee-themed decorations that symbolized the milestone. The Jubilee day proper  began with a procession march by batches to the inaugural ceremony, where the college’s history was celebrated through speeches, a multimedia presentation, and a special tribute to the founding members. It was a time to reflect on the college’s humble beginnings and the visionary leaders who shaped its early years.

Throughout the two days, the campus buzzed with various activities. Alumni reconnected and shared their memories, while students showcased innovative singing, dancing and participation in the academic discourse and football matches highlighted the college’s commitment to advancing knowledge. Cultural performances, including music, dance, and added to the festive atmosphere, celebrating the diverse talents within the college community.

Honoring the Legacy and Looking Forward

The Golden Jubilee was not only a celebration of past achievements but also a time to look towards the future. The college leadership emphasized the importance of continuing to innovate and adapt in a rapidly changing world. There was a strong focus on sustainability, inclusivity, and preparing students for the challenges of the future.

As the celebrations concluded with a grand banquet, there was a shared sense of accomplishment and optimism.

The Golden Jubilee was a reminder of the college’s rich legacy and a call to continue building on this foundation for the future.


There were some distinctions and recognition at the Jubilee celebration to a retired staff, our famous cook PA Mathy Ngwa (  still alive)the first batch of the school as a group who were clad in a distinct white moflars.

Even more appreciated and exceptionally recognised was NEXSA PRO Ebude Ngole Epie for her dedication to work and display of exceptional ICT talent that gave the preparation of the jubilee  celebration the attention and publicity is deserved. NEXSANs  and the Nyasoso community unanimously gave her a standing ovation in recogniotion of a job well done.

“I attended a jubilee celebration as the Public Relations Officer of NEXSA, utterly unprepared for the outpouring of accolades that graced me on this significant occasion. I am profoundly appreciative of the people of Nyasoso and, more specifically, NEXSA, for these extraordinary acknowledgments. They offered me palm wine, escorted me into the principal’s office, and attired me in pristine white from head to toe. Subsequently, they seated me among the distinguished NEXSANS to receive considerable honors. A woman amidst illustrious men,” she said in acknowldgement.

NEXSAN PRO Ebude Ngole Epie ( in white) escorted as she received her distinction by Nyasoso tradtional rulers.

Famous  retired cook of the school Pa Ngwa Marthy( seated and beaming)  recognised by NEXSANs who did not hesitate dolling out some cash in support for a job well done.

The students in their  gold T-shirts graciously offered by Great Olive Bume Ada, pose with their Principal Akume Danis Ebong( extreme right).

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