By Mesumbe Nelly
On the occasion of commemoration of the 38th edition of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, different stakeholders have voiced the need to promote and protect the rights of indigenous people in Africa. Celebrated every 9th August, this year’s theme according to the United Nations,is “Protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact.”
In Yaounde, the Minister of Social Affairs, Pauline Irene Nguene, presided over an event that recognized the achievements and contributions of indigenous peoples towards improving their wellbeing. The Minister highlighted the importance of the right to citizenship for indigenous peoples in Cameroon, noting that a significant number lack civil status documents, hindering their participation in the country’s political life.
“It is essential for indigenous peoples in Cameroon to have access to legal documents to be included in the country’s political life,” the Minister added.
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in a Press release saluted the strides made in the promotion and protection of indigenous peoples’ rights within the African continent and beyond, and recognize the role that the African Union, the United Nations and civil society organizations have played in that regard.
It however notes that “despite the strides made to date, indigenous peoples in different parts of the world continue to face similar issues in the promotion and protection of their rights as distinct peoples. Today, different circumstances that render indigenous peoples vulnerable and disadvantaged still persist.”
In that regard, the Commission notes with concern many incidents of forceful evictions against indigenous people, and is concerned by the statistics depicting the limited access to basic services including education and health services.
Against this background, the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples presents an opportunity for relevant stakeholders to raise awareness on the plight of indigenous peoples around the world. It is a special occasion to reflect on the progress made and challenges encountered in the promotion and protection of indigenous peoples’ rights, and to strategize on the best way to address their plight, in light of persistent discrimination, marginalization and subjugation in some parts of the world.
The Commission calls upon States to strive towards the implementation of its Resolution on the Recognition and Protection of the Right of Participation, Governance and Use of Natural Resources by Indigenous and Local Populations in Africa.
In the same vein, Commission reiterates and highlights the dependency of indigenous peoples on their ecological environments, comprising of land and natural resources for their survival, and calls upon States to respect that dependency in the execution of development projects relating to housing, agriculture, tourism and activities of extractive industries that may impact environments in which indigenous peoples live. In addition, States are also urged to exercise necessary caution and consideration in the development and implementation of laws and policies that adversely impact that dependency on the environment, to avoid harm to their survival and livelihood.
In that regard, it calls on states to adopt appropriate legislative measures to ensure the recognition of the identities and cultures of indigenous peoples as distinct groups and protection of their specific rights.
In conclusion, the Commission reiterates its commitment and dedication to the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples’ within the ambit of its mandate under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and with inspiration from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
“ All stakeholders should continue to create awareness about the plight of indigenous peoples within the continent by amplifying their voices and contributing in finding solutions,” the release stated