The Africa Catalyzing Action for Nutrition (AfriCAN), a network in Africa with a vision to promote good health through good nutrition, concluded a three-day training program for youths and media in Yaounde.
The training held ‘ under the theme “Good Nutrition Starts With Me” Initiative at the Hotel de Député May 13-15. According to Dr Namanga Ngongi of AfriCAN, the training aimed to equipping the youths and media with the knowledge and skills to practice good nutrition as well as to promote what they have learned within their media, families, community as well on the typefood one should eat and what is a healthy diet. The training touched on different thematic areas like , malnutrition,causes, types and consequences. Water, hygiene and nutrition (WASH),nutrition, overweight, underweight , obesity, food and Types of foods etc among others.
The seminar participants also did some practical works on good nutrition.
Thomas Yanga,AfriCAN representative in Yaoundé encouraged participants to use knowledge acquired in the various places of work, to send the information to their communities and society so that many can benefit .